Monday, September 22, 2008

At Last You Can Discover Why You May Be Having Bad Luck

Every Human Being is Capable of Turning Their Desires into Realities.

Consequently, how many people truly understand that concept and actively work on the principles to manifest these dreams and desires into reality? Well, you may have guessed it - Not Many. Why do some people have all the luck, while others seem to continually be in a state of struggle and lack? I’m sure you can think of that friend or an acquaintance that is always in a good mood and always “finds” opportunity at every turn. It appears effortless for this lucky fellow to get a great job, have an abundance of opportunity and easily make new friends. You get a good feeling or “vibe” from that person, and you find yourself enjoying their company. Some might say that this person is in a constant cycle of positive emotions. On the other side of the coin, there is that friend or acquaintance that can get down on them selves very easily. Who seems to always have "bad luck" and who often has those troublesome - bad days. They may have different durations of the appearance of happiness, but under the surface they are in a constant cycle of negative emotions. An example could be, a state of mind that is continually saying something like this - “I can’t pay my bills, I hate my job, I’ll never get ahead, I don't have any free time, I can't afford to take a vacation, I couldn’t qualify for that dream house”. So what happens to this person, week after week and month after month, and year after year!? Bad situation, after bad situation keeps happening to them!! They end up not being able to pay their bills, hating their job, never getting ahead, not taking any vacations and not qualifying for that dream home. Why does this same person “find” more bad situations at every turn; while the “lucky” ones fly around living a life of their dreams?

Well, let me purpose a question. What if, just what if… these people are not “finding” these good/bad situations - but, these situations are “finding them”? Please read that again, because it is a very important point. It is that person’s energy that is vibrating out from their bodies and attracting these situations and events into their life. The universe is unbiased and will deliver circumstances that will perpetuate your dominate vibration or the state of being you're in the most. Some may consider this process to be referred to as karma, sowing and reaping or a few basic principles of the Law of Attraction. However you may refer to or realize this concept, makes no difference. Whether you believe in it or not, makes no difference. It is constantly happening in every person’s life, every day (whether they may be aware of it or not).

The unlucky” fellow chooses - consciously or unconsciously - to have these negative thoughts. Which in turn creates the energy that vibrates (and attracts) - these negative cycles into their lives. These people are in essence attracting the very same negative patterns that they so desperately want to avoid! Furthermore, it’s just as easy for this same person to create the energy to vibrate (and attract), a sense of fulfillment and joy! A very important and natural progression from that thought, is a person who can create the energy to vibrate (and attract) everything that they can possibly IMAGINE. When you are able understand this concept experientially. Perhaps then, you will be able to accept this seemingly simple concept - and are able to realize this very important truth. This truth is so very powerful; that those who practice this power thought are those who live a life of freedom, abundance and joy. A thought that will change your life forever, if you choose it to.


You CAN attract good things to find you. You CAN attract situations and people in your life that will bring you the wealth that you desire.

Start noticing how your thoughts and attitudes have a TREMENDOUS effect on the direction your life is heading. If you find yourself creating a negative thought, stop it at once and replace it with a thought that puts a smile on your face. (Easier said than done sometimes, I know) Then, start acting as if you possess a positive attitude in your present moment. If you can pretend to be in a good mood long enough… then you will actually, physically and emotionally BE in a good mood!

So just breath, smile and know that good things are coming.

Yours in Abundance,

Chris Mitchell

~ Founder of The Weekly Wealth Update”

Click HERE to start understanding how to use the Law of Attraction in your life today.


rayneberry said...

Ah the Power of believing! ;)

rayneberry said...

I added your blog to MY FAVORITE BLOGS on my blog...come check it out!