Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Life Transforming Lesson - Learned the Hard Way

Actually, I really don't know where I would be or if I would be experiencing such abundance and joy in my present life - if certain perceived "failures" in my life never occurred. I look back and can honestly say that I have no regrets in this life. Although, when I was experiencing some not-so-fun events, like foreclosure of my beautiful condo and the crumbling of investments, I definitely wasn't super thrilled to learn the lesson that was hiding in this event. It took a while, but eventually I started asking myself some hard, much needed questions. For example, "Where was my mind at and what was I thinking, when I would refinance my house so many times - increasing my mortgage way beyond my budget?", "Why did I ignore subtle warning signs that God (the Source) would send me in the most needed ways, at just the perfect time?" These are just a few of many questions that I had to ask myself and understand the answers, before I was able to pick myself up and start living life on purpose.

The bottom line is that I was trying to force the Universe to work for me, thus creating a desperation attitude in my desires and goals. I wanted to become wealthy so very badly, that I tried to skip over the crucial building of a solid foundation and jump right into wealth overnight. Now, that's not to say that one cannot create wealth overnight - because many have done just that. It was that I didn't have the proper building blocks in place... in thought, in belief, in mental assets, in a plan or in goal setting. I wasn't visualizing my desires, I wasn't spending time in meditation, I didn't have a dreamboard (photo clippings & power words to help visualize), I had no product to market, I had no system and I had no ACTION PLAN! Oh boy, but was I ever excited! I was bouncing off the walls with enthusiasm and motivation. I went out and made new contacts effortlessly, I would get up at 5:30 am and do "busy" work on the computer. Creating designs for would be products and ventures, designing cards for would be businesses - once even spent $100 dollars for cigars with custom labels on them for companies that I thought I would work in the future. At the height of my passionately misguided enthusiasm; I spent $18,000 dollars to begin manufacturing for an "invention" in China, that was created in a my garage in a month. Did the product have potential? Absolutely. However, did it also need a real patent, a business plan, about a year of tireless market research and product testing, distribution and shipping warehouses in place and a container to get it overseas to America?.... you better believe it. Ambitious? Absolutely. Did I ever stick to one thing, concept or business long enough to see it through to completion? Never.

I had the sense of accomplishment by staying busy with all these exciting ideas and marketing material, from several projects I always had going on. I had the money coming in from the refinances, so I had a sense of success with the money in hand and could buy whatever I wanted - cash (within reason). Anything else I thought I needed for one of these "would be" successful ventures; I just put on one of my many charge cards. (Sound Familiar?) On and on this went for about a year and a half. Everything seemed like it was going in the right direction. Friends and associates thought I was doing great, because my life had the appearance of success.

Like all things built with no foundation, it all came crashing down in a matter of months - like a house of cards hit by a tsunami. I was utterly devastated. Depressed, broke and out a gorgeous condo. It seemed at the time that I had "lost it all". Consequently, these events stripped me down to bare bones, so to speak. Ego torn apart, life turned upside down, pride shattered... I was (perhaps for the first time) completely open and vulnerable to the lesson that The Source - God, wanted to share with me. What was learned experientially over the months following may seem quite simple, yet is truly profound once internalized and used daily. But, as they say, there is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.

The lesson is this: Our inner thoughts, inner visions, feelings and intentions literally create our outer physical reality. Period. (I know, I said it was going to sound simple) You happen to your reality, your reality does not happen to you. You are at first cause, the creator of your physical universe which is sprouted from spiritual seeds of your inner thoughts, faith, intention and visualizations.

Always have I been a very positive person. I've seen some amazing things happen in my life through the power of belief and a constant positive mental attitude - way before this "rough patch" ever took place. Therefore, I knew this information at a certain level and even had strong convictions about it. But, it wasn't until I created this "broken down" situation for myself and had nothing left besides an open spirit - that this concept had made its way down to the core of me. Did I look back and feel the need to beat myself up for being so ambitious and taking risks that I thought were towards my entrepreneurial goals? No. What I gradually began doing was all the things that I've always "knew" to do. Meditating, visualizing, declaring goals in the present tense, making dreamboards, reading personal development books constantly, associating with wealthy people, etc. I now knew a very important personal truth. Finally, that "something" clicked - like a giant mental light switch flicking on for the first time. I knew that beyond a shadow of a doubt that I would attain the desires that my intention was focused on and that nothing besides myself could stop me... then I let it go. Became detached from the outcome, because the outcome was already established in my mind and actually already existed in the quantum reality. With all my blockers gone, the universe started to arrange things in my life in the most miraculous ways. I've been shocked at how quickly, effortlessly and perfectly things began to fall into place once I got my self out of the way. Business opportunities started to pour in with amazing companies, people appeared in my life with common goals and ambitions, and coincidences starting occurring in the most magical ways.

So, here I am.

This is me... Here, Now. Living life on purpose.

Sharing my experiences and sharing these lessons with you. So that one day, when God gently nudges you to turn left, not right - to get back on course. You just might remember, that you are the creator of your life and listen to God's lessons early on... before he starts getting creative with your hearing!

Yours in Abundance,

Chris Mitchell
~ Founder of "The Weekly Wealth Update"

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